Team Islands 2vs2 Test Pack

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Post by Lord_Dracula »

I made this pack so all you guys have something to test your AIs against when you make one for the upcoming TI tourney. I've tried to put in all AIs which play TI on conquest at least reasonably well. I'll update when more become available.

Most of you probably already know all of these AIs, but then it'll at least save you same searching work.

It contains:
AllianceThundaEmpire - Mabuse - Prefers: Japanese + Vikings - Can play: All
Archon - Archon - Prefers: Vikings + Huns - Can play: All
Assaiki - Berrys66 - Prefers: Japanese + Vikings - Can play: All
ER TI 2vs2 - Elite Raider - Prefers: Vikings + Japanese - Can play: All
Fourth Star - Vader - Prefers: Aztecs + Aztecs - Can play: All but Vikings :blink:
Gensaric - Berrys66 - Prefers: Any - Can play: All
GrUsH_Hard - AoC_DaVe - Prefers: Vikings + Vikings - Can play: All
Maximus - Maximus - Prefers: Any - Can play: All
Mexico - Hector - Prefers: Any - Can play: All
Sicilian - Krazyken - Prefers: Koreans + Koreans - Can play: All
Sigurd - Berrys66 - Prefers: Vikings + Vikings - Can play: All but Aztecs or Mayans
The Black Pearl - Hector - Prefers: Persians + Saracens - Can play: Any combination of Persians and/or Saracens
The Dragon - Terry Wong - Prefers: Any - Can play: All
The Duke - DarkAngelBGE - Prefers: Any - Can play: All

None of these AIs cheat on difficulty hard.

NOTE: When you got a map with snow, you might as well restart because most AIs won't funtion normally on those maps.

This pack contains an old version of Mexico because the latest has a bug that causes it only being able to play Death Match. Hector, could you please send me a fixed Mexico 1.4 version?

If you got an AI that isn't in this pack, but you'd like to see in it, please contact me by posting in the forum or sending me a PM.
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