It’s a cool concept, as a player I really under-utilise Mangudai so it’s interesting seeing what they can do

I suspect what happened was Bambi destroyed an existing blacksmith or market - MangudAI had just reached castle but it never built more despite having the resources. I think in that game the space had been used up so I don’t think town size needs to change, it was doing just fine

Maybe add a rule of something like this?
(up-research-status c: castle-age >= research-pending)
(Dropsite-min-distance-stone > 3)
(Building-type-count-total mining-camp < 10)
(can-build mining-camp)
(build mining-camp)
/apologies for the mixed caps, typing on phone and autocorrect is kicking in :p
You would then have a backup so that as long as you’ve clicked up you can go back to mining stone without fear of being stuck in feudal. To be fair this may have been a rare occasion but I hope it helps.
Thanks, I’ve got time to work on Bright Spark over this week so hoping to make some big changes that I’ve wanted to make for a while and not had the time.
Look forward to seeing what comes next for MangudAI once you get time and I’m always happy to do tests if you need