Soldier 2.0 Alpha 4

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Soldier 2.0 Alpha 4

Post by Tobi19 »


I've just started scripting AIs a few days ago, but decided to share with you my first creation. I love to see AI vs AI matches, so the name Soldier comes from "My first Soldier in this great battle between AIs".

The idea behind Soldier is quite simple, it plays any civ but only one strategy for now, spamming infantry. Soldier walls early with palisades to protect it's own economy while sending wave after wave of militia-line units. (Also makes some scorpions to help against archers)

It's an AI made for DE, so I'm not sure if it would on any other version.
Doesn't play water, and prefers open maps although it can play any land map.

Feel free to report any bug or make any suggestion!


Soldier 1.0 - The start
- Spams militia

Soldier 1.1 - Strategy Review
- Wait for military researches before making more military units
- Makes more lumber/mining camps in feudal
- Still limited to feudal age

Soldier 1.2 - Economy update
- Maximum food drop distance reduced to 20 in Dark Age and 30 in Feudal so it doesn't go all over the map
- Limited barracks to 1 in Dark Age and 10 in feudal
- Rebalanced food and wood gatherers
- It should make more farms now

Soldier 1.3 - Welcome to Castle Age
- Researches loom and wheelbarrow/hand-cart
- Reaches Castle Age
- Doesn't scale with difficulty
- Hunts boar
- Rebalances economy when reaching 50 vills
- Builds blacksmith before newer lumber/mining camps

Soldier 1.4 - The Empire strikes
- Gold mining upgrades
- Change unit attack balance
- Stops making mining camps before sending villagers to gold
- Should get housed less often
- Reaches Imperial Age and develops techs
- Adds more lumber/mining camps and mills in Imperial Age
- New 30 second timer between attacks

Soldier 1.5 - Castle time
- Builds more town centers
- Researches loom when it can't make vills
- Rebalanced economy for stone and castles
- Builds defensive castles as the first 3
- Builds forward castles after the first 3
- Will research Town watch and Town patrol
- Research unique techs

Soldier 1.6 - The defensive update
- New drush-like strategy (Will only send 3 militia in dark age)
- Should get chain mail before iron casting (Armour tends to be more important when playing infantry)
- Makes palisade walls in Dark/Feudal age
- Makes stone walls in castle age
- Makes university and some researches in Imperial
- Makes scorpions in castle age
- Will pick larger forest for lumber camps instead of straggler trees
- Stops making farms until it has a blacksmith

Soldier 1.7 - Polishing things up
- Can build lumber camps and mining camps further away (each age)
- Town size increases per age
- Doesn't need to research chain mail before making man at arms anymore
- Doesn't need to afford the entire wall before building it anymore
- Will sell excess food and wood
- Buils barracks before making palisade
- Will buy food if lacking
- Builds multiple buildings at the same time
- Stops making farms to make more barracks in feudal
- New lumber camp limit in Feudal: 2
- Moved 5 mining camp limit from Feudal to Castle age
- Reduced the amount of barracks for Feudal and Castle age
- Build mining camps closer to the TC in Dark age
- Deleted age requirements for researching most techs
- Will stop producing villagers to research wheelbarrow at 45 vills and handcart at 85 vills
- Trains rams, siege elephants and trebuchets
- Will target walls after training rams
- Buys food to go to the next age

Soldier 1.8 - The Team game update
- Now trades in team games!
- Added new strategies for team games and certain civs!
- Improved boar hunting
- Improved drushes
- Makes less unnecesary houses in dark age
- Adjusted vill priorities
- Brings all sheep to TC
- Doesn't build walls in Arena
- Makes pikeman if detecting cavalry
- Make mangonels if detecting archers or scorpions
- Stop making man at arms if detecting too much archers in feudal
- Trains infantry and gunpowder unique units
- Trains bombard cannons and hand canoneers
- Trains monks
- Researches Castle techs
- Builds town centers and castles with more villagers
- Captures relics
- Will sling allies on lower ages
- Pockets and flanks play differently
- Villagers will drop food if there isn't enough to produce more villagers
- Will make rams in feudal with Cumans

Soldier 1.9 - New horizons
- Won't make scorpions if there's too much enemy cavalry
- Makes trade carts above 100 villagers
- Researches spies
- Uses TSA instead of attack now
- Better build orders
- Should help allies when they get attacked
- Better upgrade / building priorities
- Doesn't build walls when under attack
- Added water strategies
- Added hybrid strategies
- Added nomad strategies
- Focuses monasteries in standard victory
- Focuses wonders in standard victory
- Builds wonders in standard victory

Soldier 2.0 Alpha (Still in development) | Attachment Soldier 2.0 Alpha.rar
Soldier 1.9.1.rar
(8.49 KiB) Downloaded 351 times
Soldier 1.9.rar
(8.34 KiB) Downloaded 266 times
Soldier 1.8.rar
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Last edited by Tobi19 on Thu Oct 24, 2024 12:06 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by MrElephant »

Congrats on the release of your AI, Tobi0.
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by Bandit1990 »

YAAAAASSS! Congratulations on your first release! I’ll be trying it for sure over the weekend :)
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by wattle »

Btw good to have next week free of work, so I should be able to check this out :)
MangudAI-all-in (wip, to be continued, when I retire from work :P )
Btw, thank you s64 for your effort. Was a pleasure to cross your way. Have a good time.
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by DrinkMix »

Woohoo!!! Congrats on the release and thank you for sharing your creation!
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by wattle »

Watched a really hard fought 2v2 battle vs Chill AI (I think not the most recent version).
Great to see what you already accomplished.
A few things to mention (unless they are on your todo anyway),
- The missing siege maybe prevented it to overcome Chill AI. Also, don't forget to set sn-wall-targeting-mode to 1 when you have siege (or potentially earlier), so it also attacks walls.
- Was great to see it researching the relevant infantry techs, it didn't research wheelbarow / handcart though.
- At the later stages of the game you probably want to expand sn-camp-max-distance. It long distance chopped wood.
- Was good to see it does sell the excess food later. For teamgames trade would be even better (looks at MangudAI-all-in which doesn't know about trade still :P )
MangudAI-all-in (wip, to be continued, when I retire from work :P )
Btw, thank you s64 for your effort. Was a pleasure to cross your way. Have a good time.
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by Tobi19 »

Thank you all! :)
wattle wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:14 pm - The missing siege maybe prevented it to overcome Chill AI. Also, don't forget to set sn-wall-targeting-mode to 1 when you have siege (or potentially earlier), so it also attacks walls.
Yeah, rams and trebs are next in the list of units that Soldier should be making. sn-wall-targeting-mode has been scaring me a little because I saw how HD AI likes to target every single wall and that can get counter productive really easily, but I guess it's better than not going through walls at all.
wattle wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:14 pm - Was great to see it researching the relevant infantry techs, it didn't research wheelbarow / handcart though.
One of the conditions to research wheelbarrow is being in feudal, probably went to castle age without stopping vil production. I overlooked something like that could happen, gonna fix that soon.
wattle wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:14 pm - At the later stages of the game you probably want to expand sn-camp-max-distance. It long distance chopped wood.

- Was good to see it does sell the excess food later. For teamgames trade would be even better (looks at MangudAI-all-in which doesn't know about trade still :P )
I'm was mainly testing it on 1v1 so, I haven't really considered post imperial situations for lumber/mining camps, that same thinking applies for trade. I'll add it to the todo list, it will probably not make it into 1.7 but rather a teamgame focused update (likely 1.8).

Thank you for the feedback. :D
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Re: Soldier 1.7

Post by Tobi19 »

New update for Soldier! Full changelog below

Soldier 1.7 - Polishing things up
Can build lumber camps and mining camps further away (each age)
Town size increases per age
Doesn't need to research chain mail before making man at arms anymore
Doesn't need to afford the entire wall before building it anymore
Will sell excess food and wood
Buils barracks before making palisade
Will buy food if lacking
Builds multiple buildings at the same time
Stops making farms to make more barracks in feudal
New lumber camp limit in Feudal: 2
Moved 5 mining camp limit from Feudal to Castle age
Reduced the amount of barracks for Feudal and Castle age
Builds mining camps closer to the TC in Dark age
Deleted age requirements for researching most techs
Will stop producing villagers to research wheelbarrow at 45 vills and handcart at 85 vills
Trains rams, siege elephants and trebuchets
Will target walls after training rams
Buys food to go to the next age
Soldier 1.7.rar
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Last edited by Tobi19 on Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Soldier 1.8

Post by Tobi19 »

Soldier has been practicing to polish his team game abilities, and this is the result!

Soldier 1.8 - The Team Game Update
Now trades in team games!
Added new strategies for team games and certain civs!
Improved boar hunting
Improved drushes
Makes less unnecesary houses in dark age
Adjusted vill priorities
Brings all sheep to TC
Doesn't build walls in Arena
Makes pikeman if detecting cavalry
Make mangonels if detecting archers or scorpions
Stop making man at arms if detecting too much archers in feudal
Trains infantry and gunpowder unique units
Trains bombard cannons and hand canoneers
Trains monks
Researches Castle techs
Builds town centers and castles with more villagers
Captures relics
Will sling allies on lower ages
Pockets and flanks play differently
Villagers will drop food if there isn't enough to produce more villagers
Will make rams in feudal with Cumans
Soldier 1.8.rar
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Re: Soldier 1.8

Post by Promiskuitiv »

Thank you for the update, sounds exciting!
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