Heritage Series - Generation 4

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Post by ER »

Once again :rolleyes: I have tested these under AoC v 1.0©, and they all run fine, with the proviso that they only run under the settings they were created for.

All are prefixed with "G4-" to keep them separately categorised in your ai folder. In a departure from earlier generations, many of these were created specifically for certain civs and / or other game settings. I have used G4TI- for those I think are for team islands only. Some may give parser errors if you start them with settings they were not designed for, in which case you will need to check the .per file to suss out what settings to use.

Simply unzip to your \AI folder, and turn "use path names" on in your unzipping proggie when doing so.

Note that some, although optimised for certain civs / settings, may well run under other settings.

Specific note - Swiftsabre was written for 1v1 only. It will also play in teamed games if, and only if, it is player 1. The fix to the logic is easy if you feel you want to correct it for yourself. The logic for multiplayer games as a "feeder" was never completed by the original author.
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