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Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2003 3:28 pm

Post by Mabuse »


Just extract this *.Zip into the AI-Folder.

this is only a little Preview of Strategies - these (and MORE) will be included in one File
that load the Strategies randomly of course also depending on CIV.

(the CIV behind the Name is only a Hint what could be used for it to get a good result.
Also i hope that it will play these CIV, other CIV may get an Error because
some Strategies are still a bit too oversized for some CIV -

So if you get a "ListFull" Error try another CIV - this will be fixed soon,
in the "Main Version")

Note: all Strategies may play any Setting, any Map and may also change Strategy
or train other/Counter-Units etc etc due to Circumstances.
(More Information in the MAin Version or in additional TXT-File).

The main Folder may contain Files that are not used by these Strategies,
but will be used in the Main-Version and/or BonusAI (I was just to lazy to delete and to compare
which are needed and also avoid mistakes :P)


ArcherCBLow_Viking : Archer/SkirmFlush then Crossbow, lightCav

CARush_Hun : FastCastle CavArcherRush

CBRush_Mayan : FastCastle CrossbowRush

EWRush_Aztec : FastCastle EagleWarriorRush

Fortress : Optimized Fortress Variant

Islands : Optimized Island Variant
(But all Strategies can handle ANY Map-Type - well, at least they try it :lol: )

K+©ARush_Hun : FastCastle KnightRush + CavArcher/Archer Support

KRushHvy_Teutonic : FastCastle KnightRush

KRushLow_Viking : FastCastle KnightRush

M@A_Goth : M@AFlush then Knights and mixed Support

MixedKLow_Viking : MixedFlush then Knights and mixed Support

Scout_Hun : ScoutFlush then Knigts and mixed Support

Scout+Archer_Hun : Scout+ArcherFlush then CavArcher/Archer and lightCav

SkirmCAHvy_Hun : SkirmFlush then CavArcher/Archer and lightCav

SkirmKHvy_Hun : SkirmFlush then Knight and RangedSupport

If you have suggestions for the different Strategies feel free to give Comment,
or simply train vs these Versions.

All got improved more or less -

New (never published before) are: "K+©ARush_Hun" and "SkirmKHvy_Hun" - so you may check these out for sure.
planned is also an Option which places an early Castle and go for UU and Support.
(849.24 KiB) Downloaded 328 times
take seat, shut up, script - have fun

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