AoE Assist beta

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AoE Assist beta

Post by aabattery »

This is my first attempt at an AI which tries to help the player manage their economy.

Current features:
Alerts when housing cap is nearly reached
Alerts when TC is idle
Alerts when villager-base exists (meant to be an idle villager alert)
Turns off TC and villager idle alerts when civilian population (fishing ships, vils, trade carts) > 1/2 population cap

How to use:
Make a standard game and set AoEAssist in the first slot (your player slot).

Known bugs:
Since this requires you to have an AI in your slot, the base AI kicks in and tends to move things around for you, my attempt at disabling the AI whilst trying to maintain basic functions is the result. Simply making everything immobile does not help.
Sheep automatically move to TC unless manually controlled. One command prevents sheep from moving again.
Villagers may randomly reassign their jobs, particularly when sheep are under TC.
Villagers tend to idle when crowding around a resource as they collide.
Unable to queue multiple units unless SHIFT+train hotkey are pressed or the train hotkey is spammed.

I tried to make one for AoK HD, but not enough functions :head

This obviously isn't for everyone, and the base AI can be really frustrating at times, but I'd be grateful for any feedback.
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Re: AoE Assist beta

Post by scripter64 »

Nice work :)

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