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MightyRecon wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:47 am
Hello, I'm not sure if this has been reported or not but I haven't been able to efficiently test Tribal yet because it has a weird bug when trying to advance through ages.
I have tested Tribal on all vanilla civs, and 80% of the matches it will say:
Canceling training to advance to feudal age
Canceling training to advance to feudal age
Canceling training to advance to feudal age
There will be a villager training cancel but it will just make a new one instantly after its canceled causing it to instantly loop.
Anyways, not sure if this is a bug or a human error by me in some way. But nonetheless I really love Odette just wish I could use these together.
Hi, This is strange. I just tested tribal in a 4v4 and none of the players had this issue. What settings are you using ? Tribal is supposed to play in low resources at start and difficulty "extreme" if on DE / difficulty "Hard" if AOC.
Definitive Edition
The settings I'm using are:
Starting Age Dark
Final Age Imperial
200 Population
Map Arabia
Extreme Difficulty
Low resources
Thx MightyRecon, for having detected this bug.
The probleme was related to the 2v2v... settings :
When there are more than 2 teams in game, Tribal is supposed to switch its build order to make more villagers in dark age, for a faster castle-age time. I had to prevent some rules to trigger in this situation.
The problem is fixed.
Author of TRiBaL_Warrior, Yggdrasil, PharaoN, WoodyWood Pecker and currently dette
Issue fixed !
Very weird : a rule containing (disable-self) was triggered twice, making the negative cc-add-resources executed x2, this when the map selected was neither arabia nor arena. It makes nosens to me. Btw, i found the way to fix it, fortunately.
Btw, AIs here are designed for difficulty hard in AOC/WK and difficulty extreme in DE. Thx for having caught the bug for difficulty hardest
Author of TRiBaL_Warrior, Yggdrasil, PharaoN, WoodyWood Pecker and currently dette