Many thanks to you all for your continued support! Have an awesome day!
Your pal,
;==========UPDATES for Jester Version 2.21 (March 9, 2024):
- This is a smaller update that aims to fix some recently introduced bugs and make Jester playable again for the March PUP. Added a couple new additions as well!
- Fixed a bug that was introduced in the March 2024 PUP that would make Jester unplayable.
- Fixed a circular logic bug that could cause Jester to turn on & off arrow dodging rules repeatedly.
- Provided a bug fix for a rare but critical Direct Unit Control (DUC) bug that would set all military units to no-attack-stance forever. Should not be able to happen anymore with backup conditions added.
- Jester now disregards using villagers to target rams & armored elephants when villager numbers are too low (dynamically based on pop-cap settings).
- Improved focus-player rules by allowing them to update much more often. Jester's initial scout should have less of a chance to dying from early enemy TC's.
- Fixed a bug which consisted of Jester endlessly deleting the first mining-camp foundation even when it was placed correctly near gold or stone. This could sometimes lead to serious delays of the first mining-camp greatly affecting economy.
- Jester now targets and deletes his oldest camps (lumber & mining) one at a time after a number of them have been built.
- Introduced a temporary solution that forces a small number of villagers to nearby berries (if close to a mill) once farms start getting built (useful for Yucatan style maps).
- Testing VERY basic rules in this update that should influence Jester to help AI allies. Ran out of time to test this fully...
- Jester flanks & pockets now properly counter war-elephants and have improved countering for enemy unique siege units (i.e. organ guns, hussite-wagons, etc).
- Jester no longer automatically retreats when pursuing a booming strategy (was causing Jester to stop attacking even when far ahead in military, allowing enemy to reboom in many situations and catch up).
- The first placed castle has improved preference to be placed at the front of Jester's base.
- Jester can now research ri-devotion.
- Changed out a few of the chats/updated existing ones!
- A couple other small improvements/bug fixes.
;----------END OF GENERAL UPDATES:----------