Maiar v0.13a

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Maiar v0.13a

Post by Armelon »

Once again its time for the Maiar to walk middle-earth.

Game-type: any (no DM)
Map: Land based maps only for now
victory: any(conquest)
starting age: any
age-end: Dark - Feudal - Imperial
difficulty: any
civ: any(including DE civs)
pop: any (200+)

Code: Select all

3: Food
4: Wood
5: Gold
6: Stone
37: (any)Request Maiar to make a wonder. Also works when ur enemy if teams are not balanced. only 1 Maiar will respond if all Maiar team.
38: (ally)Request to be slung - in an all Maiar team only 1 will respond.
200: (any human) starts a resource cheat level for the AI. Taunt again to give it a bit more cheat resources every minute. up to 5 levels.
249: (ally)Tells u current resource amounts, pop & resource cheat level
Works for all DE civs, no longer compatible with previous versions.
(92.34 KiB) Downloaded 16 times
Maiar v0.12a 06-07-2023.rar
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Last edited by Armelon on Thu Feb 06, 2025 4:21 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: Maiar v0.0

Post by Armelon »

I mainly upload this now in the hope to get more motivation, and pressure to preform and improve.

Sadly manny things are currently removed or not loaded as i couldnt get it working. Freezes, armies contiues beeing sent to corners... stuff like that :D
The transiction into imperial-age and imperial-age play itself is also still rather pathetic, however!

This in no way means Maiar is weak, it manages to beat most challengers (4v4 setting only tested) With relative ease, deceiding the game before imperial-age comes into play.

Just as Daedric, Maiar follows the way of hyper agression. atempting to compleetly overwhelm the oponents before they know whats happening and create a 2vs4 situation.

Any advice, feedback & worshipping is most welcome.
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Re: Maiar v0.0

Post by kunyi »

nice, but i have error message

settings : PIDM / DMWC_GA (ga offical) / pop 200/ hard / tiny size / 1v1

"Maiar/castle age line 67 : villager-fc1"
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by Armelon »

You probaly didnt play on standard or low resource? i frogot to add those defconst for diffrent starting res counts. Anyways reuploaded... hopefully without crashing errors :D
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by scripter64 »

New AI! Thanks Armelon! :)
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by Esty »

Hi Armelon, and thank you for this really competitive AI :D
It will make Davis CUP 4 really interesting.

I tested Maiar in several 4v4s vs Barbie, TRiBaL, The_Horde and Promi and noticed how strong it is. Actually, it loses half of his games only because it fails badly in imperial Age, despite his huge domination in late castle-age and his ability to reach the ultimate age after having killed the flanks. I saw The_Horde and TRiBaL winning some games, after 2 hours, in 2v4 or 1v4, because :
- Maiar tends to train champions regardless his civ and his opponent's units. I saw him training mamelukes, elephants... Never any paladin if he is teut, frank or hun !?
- Maiar looks to not increase his town-size in imp and uses to stay stuck at home with his whole army under his main TC. The survival opponents can rappe ur AI one by one.
- When Maiar is "almost" killed, he wont try to rebuild in a safe place and reboom. I suspect a problem with ur escrows which would cause this issue. That would explain why, sometimes, your whole villagers stop working and stay idle in late game.

What i like :
It's in fact a pure aggression for the opponents, Maiar teached me that the number of skirms is more efficient that upgrading fletching early. And your flanks turn really strong with your 3 archery-ranges pumping ranged units instead of advancing to the next-age.
And your Pockets do the job perfectly in cleaning up the area.

Only Barbarian looks invulnerable to Maiar attacks (lol)

Congratz, keep up the good work !
Author of TRiBaL_Warrior, Yggdrasil, PharaoN, WoodyWood Pecker and currently :o dette :dance
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by Armelon »

Hey thanks for playing with Maiar already. and giving me feedback :D All those things are pretty much related to them not existing yet... :D I only got the first few upgrades for the unique mounted civs, and champions. nothing else yet. thats why they always do the same dumb shit :D
Same with rebuilding, it simply doesnt exist yet, thats why version 0,00 it plays most things on land on all starting ages... but the further ingame it comes to more obvious it is... alot of code is still lacking... :D

About the attacking in imp, ye i should take a look at that... honestly thought i fixed it by just trowing in a forced attack at 50+ mil pop but guess i linked it to the wrong goal somehow or so... :D

Fletching for skirms, just doesnt really pay off :3 they still do 1 damage vs vills they still do 1 damage vs skirm and they win against archers positively regardless of fletching aswell :3

And about Babarian... yes... As always he seems to be a step ahead already and prepared to deal with the situation :D

Edit: But most importantly... What about all the chat messages and 16 diffrent names?! all have atleast 5 individual lines. Half the time put into this AI went to all the chit chatting :D
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by scripter64 »

I love the chat! It's great to see more personalities within a single AI. LotR names? :)
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by Promiskuitiv »

I also liked it in my first testgames, getting some personality in there is nice :D

Thank you for the new AI!
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Re: Maiar v0.00

Post by Armelon »

Yes scripter, all the names and the chat lines are related to the lord of the rings world. The Maiar are like Demi gods for comparison - The 3 non Maiar names used are Ancient spirits :) All of the chat lines are specifik to their characters and what they are about.
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