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-Changed the way it requests resources. everything is seperate on 45 sec timer now. Should make human less annoyed & AI's like ully less buggy
-Now plays all pop limits. less as 150 pop limit is some weaker at the moment.
-Added 2 more early imp tactics
-Added 1 late-imp tactic
Some other small things here and there
@brainless Feel free to post some 250+ pop limit recs as i have done next to no testing for this. Theoretically it should be quite some stronger, atleast when its been pressured it should now deal with upgrades proper and no longer rely on beeing pop capped.
Theoretically but also practically quite stronger!
Lost 2 times, first one we just were overrun on the flanks (me and 3 AI's).
Second game, with 3 human players+Barbarian218, we did well initially and even killed one of Maiar flanks. Still they came back in Imp and pushed us back and won 3v4.
3rd game i made defensive castle and Plumes. I had free kill at their flank, so we won. Is this a bug? Yet, they fought pretty good, considering it was almost 4v2.
Brainless wrote:Theoretically but also practically quite stronger!
Lost 2 times, first one we just were overrun on the flanks (me and 3 AI's).
Second game, with 3 human players+Barbarian218, we did well initially and even killed one of Maiar flanks. Still they came back in Imp and pushed us back and won 3v4.
3rd game i made defensive castle and Plumes. I had free kill at their flank, so we won. Is this a bug? Yet, they fought pretty good, considering it was almost 4v2.
Thanks for the recs In the third game. the castle initially didnt get detected proper because you where not the target player. so the flank kept suiciding its units in. Then you actually made a barracks closer then any of reds buildings & you became the closest player, with a castle. causing the pocket to no longer act agressive. The flank already had no army left.
Maiar does not have a proper ally helping code yet, usualy it prefairs to attack but castles stop that.
Hi Armelon.
Fun AI to play against cuz of its aggressiveness. It surprised me the first time. One weakness compared to other AIs is that is quite slow to go for relics and use of monks.