Tiny changes all over the place. couple of things i remember.
-If human-ally it will only request resources once every 2 minutes insted of every 45 seconds. (for all those noobs who are unable to spend resources and hate on Maiar for spamming them

-Faster trade, specially for knight rushing pockets.
-Some eco fixes with 30+ trade carts
-Units under TC will now fight back insted of idle, while in retreat/anti lure modus.
-Hardest resource cheats are now regulated. On hardest it will get about 4k resources at the 35 min mark. Which is give or take the same as it would get with default Hardest resource cheats.
-Added 4 levels of resource cheats which can be activated by taunting "200" these resource cheats will be accesable in any difficulty level.
It will tell you how much resources it will cheat each minute, when u activate it. Hard + level 1 or 2 resource cheat will be weaker as Hardest.
Taunt 200 is available at any time during ur game.