The General 1.2t

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Leif Ericson
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2e

Post by Leif Ericson »

See the notes I finally added for 1.2d. Also...

The General 1.2e:
- Added Khmer
- Added Gambesons
- Fixed resign rules
- The General will only pause some building construction for 30 seconds instead of 90 seconds if a builder is killed (dead builder bodies decay for 90 seconds before disappearing).
- Slightly encouraged additional wood gathering for farms
- Further decreased villager and trade cart training on lower difficulties
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Leif Ericson
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2f

Post by Leif Ericson »

The General and The Sergeant 1.2f:

- added code for Nomad and Land Nomad, including DUC TC placement and modified dropsite and farm placement timings
- added new DUC scouting code for an unlimited number of scouts and sheep
- added new UU strategies for Spanish and Turks for The Sergeant
- capped the number of soldiers that will be garrisoned at 3
- prevented some techs from using escrow when under attack with low military
- fixed separate bugs that caused either premature resigning or no resigning at all
- fixed bug that prevented unique unit training on lower difficulty levels
- fixed bug that prevented lumber camps being placed because of new forest terrains
- fixed string table full error messages on 8 player games with all The General players
- improved ram targeting by villagers
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2f

Post by lolasik43 »

Thank you for Update :rolleyes:
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Leif Ericson
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2g

Post by Leif Ericson »

The General and The Sergeant 1.2g:

- replaces references to my-unique-research and my-second-unique-research with the actual tech ID or name to avoid issues with the techs sometimes being incorrectly defined in DE
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Leif Ericson
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2h

Post by Leif Ericson »

Uploaded version 1.2h. I'll add release notes shortly.
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2i

Post by Leif Ericson »

The General and The Sergeant 1.2h (released a month ago):

- added adjustments to nomad start
- made control groups less likely to avoid town centers and towers if the group is large enough
- made boar hunting assistance more selective (to avoid non-food villagers from helping hunt boar), should make gathering percentage settings more consistent
- adjust dynamic gathering percentage calculations to more accurately adjust wood gathering for desired buildings
- adjusted conditions to research certain unique techs whose effects have changed in recent patches
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Leif Ericson
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2i

Post by Leif Ericson »

The General and The Sergeant 1.2i:

- added the ability to send and respond to taunts 48 and 222 for ally assistance
- added ability to use DUC system to defend the ally in castle age (army micro DUC is still disabled in imperial age)
- removed the necessity reach a certain number of archers before the crossbowman upgrade is researched
- fixed a bug that occasionally prevented control groups from forming (the min group size was larger than the min attacking military pop)
- increased the required number of military pop to attack in imperial age to wait until fully boomed
- adjusted DUC scouting to make it less likely to leave unexplored area around the starting town
- fixed a bug that prevented enemy units within the town from being counted properly
- decreased likelihood of using hand cannoneers as a support unit
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2i

Post by wattle »

I see Britons and Mayans now on the Generals civ list, not sure when that was officially added but I like it :dance
MangudAI-all-in (wip, to be continued, when I retire from work :P )
Btw, thank you s64 for your effort. Was a pleasure to cross your way. Have a good time.
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Leif Ericson
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2j

Post by Leif Ericson »

The General and The Sergeant 1.2j
- Added ally assistance in imperial age
- Now is compatible with Romans, so now both AIs can technically play all civs (though most of them are largely untested, see note below)
- Decreased likelihood of using hand cannoneers as a support unit

The Sergeant will now play random civ in the ladder, but I'd prefer to keep its civs as the ones in the first post for tournaments. The General will keep playing its limited civs in the ladder and tournaments for now. Hopefully going random civ in the ladder will provide good testing and maybe both AIs will be completely random civ soon.
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Re: The General and The Sergeant 1.2k

Post by Leif Ericson »

The General and The Sergeant 1.2k:
- Added back strategy differentiation between flanks and pockets (both still use the aggressive fc rush strategies, but pockets will now prioritize knight strats more)
- Fixed a bug preventing the AI from escrowing for the Fabric Shields tech
- Heavy siege units are no longer sent to assist allies when helping defend their town
- Heavy siege units are not considered when checking if the AI has reached its required number of defense soldiers
- Primary unit techs are prioritized over support unit techs more than they previously were
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