- AI play all populations
- All maps (except Forest Prison... in it, he sucks

- can play on the scenario maps, It can adapt almost to any map
- can play deathmatch with dark age start
- can play all civs. (except civs Greece dlc)
- can reacts to resources taunts
Taunt 22 change level micro and difficult attack (only enemy player can change difficult

Level 0 - 1 attack group with micro control, 0 defense groups, towers/castles micro disable
Level 1 - 3 attack group with micro control, 1 defense groups, towers/castles micro enable
Level 2 - no multi-targeting range units, max 6 attack groups with micro control, max 2 defense group, towers/castles micro enable
Level 3 (default) - multi-targeting range units enable, max 6 attack groups with micro control, max 2 defense group, towers/castles micro enable
Works in 3 version game:
1) Aoe2 the conquerors 1.5 RC+
2) DE version
3) DE+RoR version
In the HD - not work, because HD version don't have up-functions

If you see that the number of downloads of my AI has been reset, it's not add virus in the archive !!! I'm not hacker and not terrorist, I'm developer AI !!! it means that an updated version of the AI has appeared and it has replaced the old version.
Update 02.01.21
Well, here I am laying out my AI. I hope many players will like it and it will be interesting for you to play against it

Write comments - whether you liked playing against AI, whether it was hard or easy to defeat it, whether it was interesting or not. I am waiting for your comments

VERY BIG UPDATE 06.07.2023
Now AI can play in the Return of Rome version game

Update 09.07.23
Small fix macro control

Update 24.10.23

For change/disable DUC - player-enemy must write in the chat 22
Update 12.01.24
So much bugs will be fixed, Ai can again play with players

Updates 15.01.24
AI now can play with new civs (armenians and georgians)
Updates 20.01.24
Small improve group attacking
Updates 16.03.24
More improve groups
Updates 20.03.24
Fix small groups bugs)
Updates 28.03.24
Fix cav-archers groups bugs) fix another small bugs
Updates 29.03.24
Fix bugs for Aoc version
Updates 25.04.24
More improve groups micro
Updates 29.05.24
More improve groups micro, fix bugs with armored elephants, fix another small bugs

Updates 06.06.24
fix small bugs in the conquerors version

Updates 20.06.24
fix CRITICAL bug with freeze game, fix bug with transport ships count, fix another small bugs

Updates 03.07.24
fix groups micro bugs in multiplayers games

Updates 09.07.24
fix bug with freeze game in the end game, with multiple enemies players
Updates 24.08.24
More improve groups micro, fix another small bugs

Updates 27.09.24
Small improve groups micro, add kills wild animals with range units groups

Updates 12.12.24
Optimization code for improve ai working without lags, Improve onagers micro (add shots with ballistics), small improve micro another units, fix bugs with focusing players, add dynamic trade system (ai always trade with more profit ally), improve targeting groups with DUC, fix bugs with dynamic map adaptation, improve DUC trebs/taran/bombards but this DUC have bugs too, add villagers retreat DUC, but this DUC have bugs too

Updates 30.12.24
Fix bugs with buildings, more improve DUC groups, add help ally if ally send taunt 12 in chat (work only with land units, and only If this send ally on the same island) not work on the islands type maps, but this help system not so good work, later helping system will be improve, last update in this year

Updates 04.01.25
Fix CRITICAL bug... Land units not attack enemy base... This update fix it

Updates 13.01.25
Fix bugs with creating groups, and another small bugs...