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So at least some kind of update of my AI has finally come out =) Congratulations to everyone on the new year! I hope it will become more interesting for you to play with it and against it =)
FireBall37 wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:05 am
Nice! Is there any list of changes?
well, I could certainly list them, but some of them are practically invisible, and some of them do not affect anything much. And it doesn't really matter, just the point is that my AI now plays better =) everywhere =) and if you keep the old version, well, somehow rename it. And run against the updated version, then the old version of the AI, in theory, will not win 1 time against the new version of the AI =)
MangudAI-all-in (wip, to be continued, when I retire from work )
Btw, thank you s64 for your effort. Was a pleasure to cross your way. Have a good time.
I did several tests with this AI, interesting, both playing with it, when just watching games between machines only. However, I noticed a big bug. At a certain point, usually at the beginning of the feudal age, it does not produce farms, does not create more villagers and does not use wood resources, so it does not advance to the age of castles either.
With that, obviously, in a short time she loses. This happens after about three to four games, in 4 player games, with both the classic civilizations and the most recently released (dlc). I haven't tested it in 2 player games yet, but I think the problem can appear too.
Anyway, I reported this problem, because I find this AI very fun, challenging and unpredictable. It's the one I like the most, and I'd like you to find a solution to this problem.
brunorts wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:05 pm
I did several tests with this AI, interesting, both playing with it, when just watching games between machines only. However, I noticed a big bug. At a certain point, usually at the beginning of the feudal age, it does not produce farms, does not create more villagers and does not use wood resources, so it does not advance to the age of castles either.
With that, obviously, in a short time she loses. This happens after about three to four games, in 4 player games, with both the classic civilizations and the most recently released (dlc). I haven't tested it in 2 player games yet, but I think the problem can appear too.
Anyway, I reported this problem, because I find this AI very fun, challenging and unpredictable. It's the one I like the most, and I'd like you to find a solution to this problem.
I have this problem too, but only when I play him vs other AI.
When I play him with AI like Naga,DE-AI or vs himself, he play normally and pretty strong too. I relized that if a script error box popup when you're loading the map, the AI will have this bug.