Released: January 18, 2022
;=========Release #15 Notes=========
- In this release, we are celebrating Forthwind's 1 year anniversary! As some of you may know, Forthwind has been around for a lot longer than 1 year, but it was just over 1 year ago when I decided to post it online for others to download and play with on AOK blacksmith and So far it has been an amazing success! I am so happy to see others have enjoyed trying it out.
- So happy birthday to Forthwind, and now... onto the XTRA spicy updates!
;FIXES IMPLEMENTED (for both Forthwind and Jester unless otherwise stated):
- NEW resign chats! about 20 of the total 25 chats have been changed out for new chats when either ai resigns! Collect all 25 by absolutely destroying poor Forthwind or Jester in combat!
- Implemented new goals to ensure constant villager production while pursuing any military strategy (previous versions were favouring military over villagers way too much).
- These new villager priority goals act as a "master switch" so if lower villager numbers are not producing, it physically blocks any military production. Useful for sustaining a reasonably healthier economy!
- Flushing strategies are working again in nomad games. (feudal-age rushing re-enabled).
- Counter units have been re-enabled in nomad games (i.e. spearmen, skirmishers, camels, etc).
- Demolition ships are now more encouraged to be built when outnumbered by enemy navy (ran out of time to fully test...)
- Slight improvements to navy production.
- Men-at-Arms and Archer training now forcibly stops until ri-longswords or ri-crossbow gets researched before continuing production.
- Mounted unit strategies (like knights, scout-cavalry, steppe-lancers etc...) will forcibly stop all training until ri-scale-barding is researched. (May do this for additional upgrades in the future).
- Archer training is paused much sooner when up against decent enemy skirmisher numbers.
- Skirmishers and Genitours now get priority training over archer-line training when countering enemy units.
- Knights now have more priority training as counter units instead of scout-cavalry-line units (>= castle-age).
- Battering rams and trebuchets are encouraged to be trained earlier on with less "large-scale" military advantages. This was greatly preventing any or most siege production in many games.
- Tweaked military units targeting behaviours. More preference has been given to the closest available targets. Less chasing 1 far away unit forever type of situations

- All "Standard" style maps have been double-checked and are fully integrated for both ai's now. This means both ai's will know when its either a full land-map (ex: Arabia), connected water map (ex: Coastal), or
a full water-map (ex: Islands). This directly affects ai strategies such as when to rush or go fast-castle, and also economic decisions like extra lumberjacks or not etc...
- When an ai owns a wonder, it will prioritize its first castle to be built near to it (helpful in Defend the Wonder game modes).
- The "Victory-Standard" win condition and the "Wonder Race" game-mode now supports wonder building based on the ai's own judgement (eventually if it can be built). Before this could only be done through human taunts.
- NEW Mill rules! Basic priorities for farming, hunting, and fishing mills have been added (not perfect but an improvement), including additional farming mills for both ai's now (no longer a max of 2 mills).
- NEW dock rules! Land maps and water maps now have simple but seperate dock rules. Land maps will have more delayed dock building, and additional docks have more required criteria now (such as extra needed TC's).
- More efficient wall building by turning on builder assistance sn when building walls (Forthwind only).
- Forthwind is quicker to temporarily abandon unfinished walls when under attack during wall building.
- Villagers refrain from attempting to repair any buildings (other than town centers) while the town is under attack.
- Slightly decreased number of barracks built when pursuing longswords in the castle-age.
- Builders are now more discouraged from constantly attempting to build defensive towers while the town is currently under attack (usually in feudal-age battles).
- More influence has been added for building additional lumber and mining camps throughout the game (some more than before).
- Added an emergency lumber-camp rule which ensures at least 1 lumber-camp always eventually gets built.
- Fixed a very rare situation where both Jester and Forthwind could get "stuck" in the feudal age forever by not constructing necessary buildings for age progression (typically a market).