Immortal v0.10f

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Immortal v0.10f THE CHAMPION

Post by osquitarxp »

Excelente IA, felicidades y mucho reconocimiento a su talento y dedicacion... espero continue con este proyecto...
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by paper »

I think Immortal's trebuchets should be better at avoiding targeting units. Scorpions, organ guns and hussite wagons should be ignored by trebuchets.
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by clc8901 »

Great update. On open land maps immortal has an issue where they make rams (any civ) after building a siege workshop and tries to attack enemy groups with them.
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by acamilicko »

Hello, great script, recently I was looking at a friend playing vs immortal and it blasts, like a pro :)
I have downloaded the script for DE, however, since I have purchased the game from Microsoft Store, I do not have that Steam folder where I could paste it.
I have tried inside C:\Users\myusername\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\23*******\resources\_common\
and created there a folder ai, pasted 2 files, but I do not have it neither.
Have you had an issue like this before?
Any advice?
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Leif Ericson
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by Leif Ericson »

You might be able to make a local mod version of it. Try creating a folder like this and place the two files inside. I have the Steam version so I'm not sure if this works or not.

C:\Users\myusername\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\23********\mods\local\Immortal\resources\_common\ai\
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by acamilicko »

I have found somewhere instructions, to create such a folder:

C:\Users\myusername\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE\23*******\mods\local\Immortal\common\AoE2DE\resources_common\ai

And it works now.

Crazy Microsoft :D :head

Thank you, cheers!
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by Heldarion »

Billing this AI (which is crazy good) as something that plays human-like (especially unit control) is a pretty big pile of bullshit. If the AI can micro dozens of units in front of my 20 crossbowmen (WITH Ballistics) without taking any meaningful damage for a solid minute, we're looking at an absurdly non-human micro. At the same time, it also does split attacks from a large ranged group, which is also something that humans don't and can't do. Is that supposed to make up for its other shortcomings?
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by wattle »

Heldarion wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:03 pm Billing this AI (which is crazy good) as something that plays human-like (especially unit control) is a pretty big pile of bullshit. If the AI can micro dozens of units in front of my 20 crossbowmen (WITH Ballistics) without taking any meaningful damage for a solid minute, we're looking at an absurdly non-human micro. At the same time, it also does split attacks from a large ranged group, which is also something that humans don't and can't do. Is that supposed to make up for its other shortcomings?
Not sure if human or AI games feel more significant to TheMaximalBeing. It might not be as publicly aware, but the aiscripters community is to a significant degree also about competitive AI vs AI games in which both can aim to make the most out of their possibilitys.
Nevertheless un-human-like micro has occasionally been discussed, I think with no decisive consensus.
I would think its noteworthy that adding logic to limit micro in a sensible way vs humans, while retaining full strength vs AI is extra work that not everyone might prioritize, given there is always a lot to work on in often spare time.

eg I think the archer micro had mostly picked up interest in a kind of evolving challenge where TheMaximalBeing, The Night Panda, Esty, Fireball and maybe someone else came up with new micro code for who had the best micro.
MangudAI-all-in (wip, to be continued, when I retire from work :P )
Btw, thank you s64 for your effort. Was a pleasure to cross your way. Have a good time.
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Re: Immortal v0.10f

Post by Promiskuitiv »

Indeed, it's about the Design philosophy of each scripter and 'human-like' has occasionally been misused when 'strongest performing' was meant.
At the same time, imo Immortal also does have more human-like behaviors built-in than any other aoe2 AI (even when factoring in the army targeting).

The Sc2 community has a variety of custom AIs which perform great in matches against each other (many of them with 5-digit apm, when I watched a Sc2 AI tournament years ago), but would be 0% fun to play against as a human (and thus no one does, as far as I'm aware).
In the AoE2 community that isn't the case yet, in part due to (mostly previous) limitations which slowed down the development of advanced soldier micro in AIs, but some are already past human limits (due to the amount of eapm required, considering multi-targeting to avoid overkill, dodging, etc).

It's simply up to each scripter to decide which path they want to take for their project, for many it's most interesting to find out how far they can push their AI's strength - which is especially understandable with AI tournaments & ladders running; While there's little to no feedback from games vs humans.
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Immortal AI help with scripting

Post by pietro »

Hi everyone
I am having fun adding some scenario units to some factions, example
Imperial Legionary (byzantines)
Crusader Knight (Teutons)
Norse Warrior (nordic factions)
Eastern Swordsman (eastern factions)

If i use the faction, I CAN TRAIN THEM even in a normal scrim game.

-----------How do i change Immortal AI so that, if the unit is available, then the AI trains it too?
Something easy like if Norse Warrior < 30 then train Norse Warrior

Please consider i am a complete noob and i have very little knowledge of AI scripting.
Tx, cheers :)
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