BigFishSmallPond, latest version.

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BigFishSmallPond, latest version.

Post by halcyon88 »

Ironically, despite the mention of fish and a pond, it's for land maps. The idea is that the AI community for AoE1 is the 'small pond' that this AI 'wants' to be the big fish in.

Vulnerable to rushes. Stronger later on.

Plays as the Minoans!
(2.59 KiB) Downloaded 363 times
A.K.A. TOAO_Philosopher (formely TOAO_ReLeNtLeSsS, TOAO_Leo, TOAO_Ayubu_, TOAO_FSpirit, _TOAO_HussY_ and TOAO__HussaR_ (even before that, Deadly_Hussar— and DEADLY POISON on AOKH back when I was REALLY young)).
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