[UP] Subjugator

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by CheeseOnToast »

Uploaded a test version of 1.0La -- let me know what you think :)

Subjugator can now garrison lumberjacks and send them to berries if we have a mill.
Subjugator can now use buildings as walls with gates in them (Thanks to offwo for the help on that!) (But only on closed maps for now :lol:)
Subjugator can now detect island style maps correctly.
Subjugator can now micro it's mangonels against enemy mangonels more effectively.
Subjugator can now assign horse unit (id 814) as the main exploring unit.
Subjugator will no longer micro shepherds if it has too many of them (if villager-shepherd > 8) otherwise you'll get a lot of idle time on these villagers :lol:
Subjugator will now prefer targeting archers with focus fire units in feudal age to gain more of a military edge.
Subjugator will no longer assign civilian explorers if animal exploration is enabled. (using horse unit (id 814)
Subjugator will no longer spam move orders when luring deer.
Subjugator will now send archers to an enemy's base if they are going full skirmishers. (Best we could probably do in that situation :lol: ... looking at you Maiar and Tribal ;) )
Fixed an issue where Subjugator wouldn't buy wood for a trebuchet.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator wouldn't buy wood for a battering ram.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator would try and micro sheep and villagers on a 2+ town center start game (very bad idea! :lol:)
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may try and trush on a 2+ town center start game. (also a very bad idea! :lol:)
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may not correctly fail taunt 40 if it doesn't have enough wood.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator wouldn't switch to the correct strategy after finishing a boom on Michi (aiming for Siege Onager basically.)
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may not find it's enemy fast enough.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may try sending its scout to explore for enemies using up-send-scout -- BUT we were boar stealing so that's stupid.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may set sn-home-exploration-time too high causing it to be unable to find it's enemies fast enough. (Would give us results like 807... ridiculous)
Fixed an issue where gl-player and temporary-goal constants shared the same id causing some issues with player targeting.
Fixed a bug in Subjugator's horse exploration if it didn't have a starting TC (It would just run randomly somewhere :lol:)
Fixed a bug in Subjugator's focus fire where it may not micro it's units quick enough.
Fixed a bug in Subjugator's enemy exploration as it was checking for deer luring goal to be set to -2 and not checking if it was actually luring or not (wasting time)
Fixed a bug in Subjugator's focus fire where the distance check wasn't working correctly.
Fixed a bug in Subjugator's deer picker for deer luring. It now correctly prefers closer deers rather than distant ones.
Fixed a rare issue where Subjugator may try and hunt deer with excessive foragers from far away.
Improved Subjugator's tower avoidance.
Improvements to scrush micro to optimize unit targeting.
Improvements to man at arms micro to retreat again attacking villagers.
Improvements to focus firing in a certain order for Feudal Age. (Need to get that military edge somehow :lol:) We now do:
1. Closest melee units (or anything else)
2. Archers
3. Skirmishers

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by ER »

Once again a truly impressive list! Have you learned from scripter how to survive with no sleep? :lol:
Subjugator can now micro it's mangonels against enemy mangonels more effectively.
IIRC this was a factor in barbs defeating illu in one of their games for DC4 :ph34r:
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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by CheeseOnToast »

ER wrote:Once again a truly impressive list! Have you learned from scripter how to survive with no sleep? :lol:
Subjugator can now micro it's mangonels against enemy mangonels more effectively.
IIRC this was a factor in barbs defeating illu in one of their games for DC4 :ph34r:
Learned from the master ;) :devil

Yes, Illumanati seems to always go for siege as soon as it hits castle, so I had to make something to deal with those early mangonels :lol:

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by ER »

I was referring to where barb had like 1 or 2 mangs vs illu's superior number of mangs, but barb had better micro and the difference in numbers disappeared :devil
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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by scripter64 »

Great list of changes, thank you :)

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by CheeseOnToast »

1.0l is now released, let me know what you think :)

Subjugator will now ignore 222 requests if it's on a suicidal mission to kill villagers.
Subjugator archers can now use waypoints to avoid getting intercepted by enemy units.
Subjugator should now correctly place markets for the correct flare when using taunt 40.
Subjugator will no longer get stuck on meaningless camps.
Subjugator can now fallback archers under threat from skirmishers during a camp raid.
Subjugator will no longer set it's strategy to -1 if it's booming on an Arena, Fortress, Regicide Fortress etc match. (This would happen because it would detect the enemy with an army, so it attempts to switch to something else, but nothing else can be chosen for these map types so it just sets it to -1 :lol:)
Subjugator will now go full water on island maps (for some reason it would switch to land strategies in late game :lol:)
Subjugator will no longer attempt to attack camps which are protected by a tower.
Subjugator will now fallback units if they are outnumbered.
Improved Subjugators villager transport logic -- It will now send villagers to islands with monuments and relics.
Improved Subjugators scrush micro to use waypoints to avoid encountering enemy units.
Improved pocket raid so it wouldn't accidentally raid flanks aswell :lol:
Fixed a bug in focus firing where it wasn't finding remote units within the desired search distance.
Fixed a bug in focus fire which affected the searching for targets (It would set the search position incorrectly)
Fixed a bug where Subjugator may still try and hunt deer from far away after luring a deer.
Fixed a bug where Subjugator may falsely detect island maps.
Fixed a bug where a focus fire group could be tasked to move and stop constantly.
Fixed a bug where Subjugator would constantly reset escrow after researching chemistry.
Fixed several bugs with focus firing which improves overall targeting behavior.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator's man-at-arms may send too many move orders at once.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may attempt to build a lumbercamp far away without loom.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator would build dropsites despite not having a town center.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may not set it's enemy pocket player correctly in team games.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may trush on water maps.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may not garrison villagers against player 8's units.
Fixed an issue where Subjugator may not train warboats in late game.

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by Brainless »

im testing it now 4v4, i have seen a few things:
2 allied sub scouts pushing the same deer, i have seen it happen twice now. Its fun to watch but it doesnt help subjugator.
1 time i saw the 4 scouts rush being stuck in his own town for some reason. Some bug with the new waypoints?
I see 2 Sub allies building lumbercamps next to each other. minimum distance between allied subs lumbercamps should be > 0. Same happens with mining camps.
building a defense tower with just 1 vill while being rushed is risky.
An early scout rush with 4 allied sub scouts working as 1 team. Its great! (recorded game - 17-mrt-2019 00`02`31 sub10l vs illu - 13:00 @ P8)
When attacking tower with man-at-arms it better keeps there until its down. I see it retask retreat and attack again, and so being killed by the tower. (rec: Sub vs freaky four p1 vs p8)
Sub 10L.rar
(6.33 MiB) Downloaded 345 times
Sub 10L - vs Illu.rar
(5.6 MiB) Downloaded 356 times
Overall subjugator really improves. It is strong in the flanks. The games that it lost is when enemy pockets boomed, but they lost flanks (promi and illu)

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by CheeseOnToast »

Thank you brainless, I'll check out those recs soon! :D

Edit: First thing I noticed is that the game speed is set to 7.1? Why is that?
Such speeds can introduce strange and undesired behavior in scripts and DUC (and probably other game behavior) It's recommended to use speedhack from CE rather than changing the game speed itself.

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by Brainless »

that is because i can be impatient. It still looked smooth to me.
But its only in the first 2 games

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Re: [UP] Subjugator

Post by CheeseOnToast »

Good to know, thank you for the recs anyways :D

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