Natural Selection (Byzantine AI) V4

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Natural Selection (Byzantine AI) V4

Post by CaioGiulioPatrizio »

Hi to all,
i was one of the old modder in :)
really happy to upload my Byzantine AI here (i will try to rework it a bit in case of a tournament :P i would be enthusiatic about it)
Natural Selection V4
AI Files For NS v4
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Re: Natural Selection (Byzantine AI) V4

Post by MrElephant »

Hey Patrizio

Welcome back to the forums. Looking forward to seeing the update for this awesome AI.
Author of Charon, Reactionary, Ahulane, and BlackKnight!

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Re: Natural Selection (Byzantine AI) V4

Post by marathon »

Hey Patrizio,
Welcome back and thank you for this awesome AI! I spend many hours testing mine against it back in the day. It helped me realise some issues about strategy. I had conceived my strategy for my first Lade before seeing yours. So when I saw yours that used mainly the same units (plus crossbowmen) I found the perfect foe! Lots and lots of losses, hard to outplay it without using crossbows myself. I still remember the frustration!

It is strong, with solid mid and late, even very late game. Only problem is that it lags tremendously in multiplayer. Yes, we have used it in multiplayer, it is good and reliable foe. Removing attack-now will reduce its lag.

There are always tournaments around. Davis Cup for example, which is friendly to old AIs (it is run on AOC+Userpatch). If you upload a modified version, it will not go unnoticed. Davis cup does not require the scripter to actively submit his AI. The organisers select the AIs, based on power, fun gameplay, historical value, activity of their makers.

But if you want to modify it, you would need to use some Userpatch tools that could boost its performance tremendously with little effort.
Like using sn-enable-patrol-attack. Just one line that would increase your army behavior by a lot.
Or dropping back markets for team games. Back and corner markets. 1-2 rules that can allow you have more carts, and more productive ones.
And, of course, using more than 100 villagers in 1v1.

For avoiding enemy building fire or other micro of army, or luring boar, you would need more effort, but we are here to help! There is a discord you know.
Still, just using the easy things I posted above would be enough to make your new AI beat your old AI easily in every single game.

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