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Note: Immortal is adapted for DE balance but still plays best on UserPatch due to several DE bugs that the devs have ignored.
How does Immortal differ from other AIs?
Human-like army control: All military is controlled as groups. Where to move, when to attack, and how to attack are all determined by an algorithm that I wrote. Each group knows whether to retreat or attack based on their surroundings. This approach completely eliminates the build-in army control that other AIs use. Because of this, a lot of suicidal/stupid AI behaviour is prevented.
Very solid defence: Immortal will retreat villagers, repair buildings, and build towers/castles. It prevents villagers from going to dangerous locations and will rebuild camps when required. All buildings are placed in optimal + safe locations using my own algorithm.
A diverse range of strategies: Flanks can go for combinations of militia, maa, scouts, skirms and archers. Pockets can go scouts, knights, archers, eagles or UUs. All strategies are well optimized. I don’t know what the strongest strategy is, nor what the strongest civ is. The late-game army composition is unique to each civ and will be adapted to counter the enemy's civ & army composition.
Intelligent villager control: The built-in villager control has also been replaced and hence a lot of stupid behaviour is prevented. For example, you wont see villagers walking half the map just because the dropsite over there is slightly closer to its resource.
Very nice! Can't wait to see the first official release of Immortal! I imagine it will sweep the competition and to see it perform in Davis Cup VI as well as the DE tournament that MrElephant and halycon are hosting!
Awesome to have your AI. Very much appreciated
From the games I watched I would say one thing that got esp. my attention is the resilience when it gets raided.
Esp. me with my bad multitasking I need to constantly look for its new backup camps, can't count on the AI letting stupidly slaughter their vills
MangudAI-all-in (wip, to be continued, when I retire from work )
Btw, thank you s64 for your effort. Was a pleasure to cross your way. Have a good time.