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Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 6:47 am
by gmiwol
It often does not pick up relic.

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:37 am
by TheMaximalBeing
Reuploaded with an additional modified version that doesn't reveal its strategy. Recommended for humans <_<

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:02 am
by venomus
TheMaximalBeing wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:37 am
Reuploaded with an additional modified version that doesn't reveal its strategy. Recommended for humans <_<
:D :D :D

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:07 am
by TheMaximalBeing
Description is updated.

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:31 pm
by Aleph
Easily the best and most versatile AI these days. Immortal is now what Barbie used to be back in the day. And the DUC vill control puts it one step above everyone else, because it doesn't automatically lose when defending against strong aggression like most AIs do.

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:50 pm
by Figo3434
A couple of things I noticed when I tried the new version:

- around 12:00 min: Despite having two lumber camps, immortal's vills exhaust strugglers and then walk to another wood which has no lumber camp (only added in min 20)

- around 19:15 min: neither militia nor xbows attack. Maybe xbows could attack vills in range behind palisades, and militia could attack nearest building?

- around 21:50 min: Although immortal has untouched eco, it still lingers in feudal age, piling 645 gold.

- around 31:30 min: There seems to be an ungarrison bug in the original TC, which intensifies around min 37 (other TCs too).

Other than that, a really impressive AI!

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:52 am
by TheMaximalBeing
Here's an experimental version of Immortal with the latest civs.
There were many changes that were necessary to make the mule carts work.
I have not had time to test it properly.


Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:55 am
by clc8901
Tested Arms, Romans, and Georgs on Arabia and Arena. They worked well without any major bugs (so far). I'm guessing the monk gameplay is still being worked on, noticed Arms didn't build a church on Arena. Also, this AI highlights how silly the Monaspa are.

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:48 pm
by CnelKurtz

I'm new here. After Viper's showcase of the last AI tournament I downloaded it and I've been playing it. Since then I have played about 50 games against it. First of all let me say this is fantastic work TheMaximalBeign! Congratulations and thank you, I'm having a great time facing Immortal.

I'll share some of my notes on it in case they're helpful for you.

For context, all of the games were 1v1 on Arabia, DE, with standard settings and random civ using the "hideStrat" version.

Noticeable "bugs";

-It lets entire armies die to wild animals (like wolves or lions). It seems unable to react to Gaia animals attacking it and it just lets them chip health on them forever if I don't intervene. This is consistent unless it ever reacted to it but I didn't see it. (Update: not sure if it's because I started using v0d10d, but I did see it attack back at animals a couple of times now, although with some delay).

-When I manage to quickwall a single villager to save it from a scout rush (like Immortal does amazingly!), it sometimes fails to move on or attack the palisades and just sits there with its units, or shows some "buggy movement" with one or two scouts back and forth within 1 tile. This happens even when other unprotected vills are in the FOV of the scouts. They only get "unstuck" from that position when I attack them. Similar behavior happens sometimes with its Militia/MAA, although less often than with scouts in my experience.

-When facing a fully walled base, it often fails to attack walls or houses to attempt a break in, unless there is a gate (in which case it does attack the gate).

Behaviors I think/hope it could be improved on;

(bare in mind I'm completely ignorant on what's possible or not, so this is mostly wishful thinking/ideas)

-When attacking gates as said before, and having range units, it never attacks villagers repairing the gate even when they're within its FOV. It just keeps attacking the gate as it gets repaired.

-I read it's supposed to be able to lame boars and such, but never in my ~50 games against it did or try that. 100% of the times it lured deer for its opening.

-Across the ~50 games it consistently did the same 2 strats, I would say on at least ninety percent of them, making it quite predictable after a few games. It goes either:
A; FF Scouts into range, or
B; 4-5 militias-> maa -> double range.
I can't remember it ever doing straight archers, or just a 2 militia drush, or drush FC etc.
On that point, for that "B" strat, it would be desirable if it did only 3 militias, maybe only make 4-5 with civs that are worth doing so like Japanese/Celts. Also it would be great if it could desist from upgrading to MAA when the opponent is already making ranged units.

-I understand that it spams TCs and expands outwards when it's on the defense, seems reasonable to an extent, but it leans too much into it and it wastes resources making too many when it's being pushed with siege, especially considering how insistently tries to repair the ones being attacked. It allows for an easy snowball where one just moves from one TC to the other on the push. I think it should do one of those two things (repair the one under siege, or make new TCs behind), but making both gets it into a resource-draining spiral that never allows it to make a comeback from that point.

-It will also often make unnecessary extra TCs (up to six) too early and when it's not being pushed or raided.

-This one is a bit picky and might be just my impression, but it feels like it either doesn't do towers at all or it does too many, with no middle ground. Like sometimes I would find a tower on the main gold and it looks great as a reaction, but then I find it did 2 more on other spots and it's either that (several towers) or no towers from it.

That's all I got, but besides all that this is definitely the most entertaining AI I played against, I love that it can play random civ. And again, thanks and congratulations for your work!

Re: Immortal v0.10c

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:24 pm
by Bandit1990
TheMaximalBeing wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:52 am
Here's an experimental version of Immortal with the latest civs.
There were many changes that were necessary to make the mule carts work.
I have not had time to test it properly.
Woop! Great to see it playing new civs :)

One thing I've noticed on Arena with this version is that Immortal deletes its walls really early - like mid castle-age. I've done tests on v0.10c on Arena before and I don't recall them going that soon. In these scenarios Immortal is actually losing so deleting the walls ends up throwing the game. Is that something different or has it always done that?