I tried your AI(will refer it by BS) With these game settings
https://i.imgur.com/2I6gLqj.jpeg - These are some issues that it had:
It tries to tower rush in feudal age but the enemy had already built a tower in range. BS brings 4-5 villegers - gets attacked - cancles tower - retreates back - tries to build at same location - brings 4-5 completely new villagers - loop. It just ruins the economy because you have so many villagers just running back and forth across the map.
BS builds things far apart from each other, making the villegers walk quite far which wastes time and eco.
https://i.imgur.com/BUwl3lQ.jpeg Minimap shows more buildings even further away. Farms, houses and eco buildings it does well enough. Should utilise more than 1 wood line for redundancy in case one gets attacked.
Makes Rams. (so far no AI utilises Rams well so it's mostly just wasted resources)
Makes scorpions.
Doesn't build trebuchet until very late into the game - 1 hour in.
For some reason after Castle age BS rallies the army behind it's base at the map border when idle if not attacking or defending.
BS really doesnt like TC, will just pace back and forth while taking enemy fire from unites, Even with overwhelming forces. BS doesn't attack that often and instead tries to kite, avoid or fall back even when in attack range and defending its own base.
So far i've only tried your AI in a single game so maybe it were just civ things or one offs from map gen. I hope you keep improving your AI and would love to see it in the Bot Tournament