I know I stated I wasn't going to make another AI, but I couldn't help myself. On the 14Nov2022, I made the AI tutorial- the link under the resources section on Twitch.
In that tutorial- I made a tutorial AI that could beat the CD AI (Warrior AI) for anyone or everyone to use as a base.
I continued working on the file. This eventually led to a completely new AI I call BlackKnight. The name comes from inspiration on one of my favorite AIs- Whiteknight

Some of you were hoping I would make an AI with userpatch stuff again, and well- here it is. I originally finished working on it around the 1Dec2022. That changed when I thought this ai could be improved even more. A small edit yesterday for a monk situation was worked on- and that led to other changes. It goes to show you how much an AI can be developed in a short amount of time.
This AI is fairly strong. It is easily the best AI I have made. It is stronger than Reactionaray, Charon (plus my other AIs not mentioned). It has beaten Kosmos, Ranger, and Sigurd. It can play a fair game against stronger AIs, but not the impossibles. I would daresay this AI could be included on your ladder Leif.
Code uses old boar hunting method
Some inconsistent eco leading to possible idle dark age tc time
Inspiration and Credit:
Fireball for his micro code. Bari and Norman_Duck plus Berry and Unfairsteel for training against their AIs.
Promi for a little guidance as well.
Jan1302- as this AI started out as a builder AI.
BTG- His tutorial AI really is awesome. I can't state this enough, please check it out if you want to learn scripting.
I am including the original Warrior AI code as an attachment in case it ever leaves my google drive. Feel free to use the Warrior AI code as a base for your future AIs. Remember to give credit to Jan- as it started out as a builder AI.
The 13Jan2023 is the version I recommend downloading. It just has a tiny modification from the 3Dec2022. (The monk change previously spoken about)
Thanks to Kim for letting me know on the missing file error in the 13Jan2023 file.
Major Update 15Mar2023 with the following-
Deer Luring included
Boar Luring is included
Better lumber-camps and mills
New and improved towers
TSA much improved plus general attacking much improved
Key researches improved
Just general strategy improvements
Farm bug corrected
Other late game unit issue fixed (mostly)
Update 23Mar2023
Several changes made-minor updates. Fixed some attacking code as well
Update 2Apr2023
DUC changes to include Man-at-arms in feudal age
Better TC placement next to resources
Earlier researches for key techs
Slight modification to building houses
Update 9Apr2023
Mining camp errors fixed
Villager proportions fixed in team games
Game Settings:
Civs: Teutons preferred, but any knight civ should work
Maps: Land only
Most recent version: https://forums.aiscripters.com/download ... hp?id=6977