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Post by Bandit1990 »

(Please Note: This AI uses cheats, just not in the way you might normally see them - so this AI can't be used for any AI competitions.)

Alternative is an AI that uses cheats so it can access units currently not accessible in skirmishes and multiplayer. The idea was as a proof of concept to be able to make scenarios or “boss AI challenges” without the need to master the map editor - it also means you can play these challenges across maps and it not be the same (like it would be if you did a scenario).

The AI has 3 personalities it picks from at random:

The Druid of the Old Ways - The Druid trains Amazon warriors, Amazon archers and wolves for a very different AI game. Beware, with each pagan shrine she builds the stronger her units become.

The Legate - The Legate can train different units including the heavy swordsman, heavy pikeman, legionnaire, heavy crossbowman and Centurion. I tried to build these into the tech trees so as he gets the arbalest upgrade, he instead gets heavy crossbowmen.

The Ronin - The Ronin trains mainly ninjas instead of militia-line. They are strong and fast units with a delayed training time. With each militia-line upgrade the training time reduces. Its unique unit should change to samurai regardless of civ picked and a paladin upgrade will instead convert cavaliers into mounted samurai.

It currently uses Bright Spark’s micro which I will eventually remove to make it a bit more of a treat for casual players but in the meantime enjoy seeing wolves circling the TC. If you want to test it without playing yourself, try it vs 2 CD AI for a good showcase.

Population - 200
Difficulty - any (lower villagers on lower difficulties)
Maps - Should play any map Bright Spark can play (any map connected by land and FenCrazy) though most testing has been on Arabia.
Standard or Conquest should both work - I've tested on Conquest
Civ - Any though Aztec/Mayan and Inca may result in some missing features - Byzantines should give consistent performance with all 3 personalities.

Enjoy! I would love to know your thoughts!
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 2:38 am

Re: Alternative

Post by Bandit1990 »

Now this has been out a while and with the Roman DLC coming out soon (which will largely make this AI redundant) I thought I’d update the description to show what this AI does.

I will come back to this in the next week or so to remove Bright Spark’s micro from it - I just need a solid run of time to untangle it without breaking everything 😅

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