105 - 3 hour tower rushing AI

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105 - 3 hour tower rushing AI

Post by TheNightPanda »

Made in 3 hours at the "Script Off" event where 2 scripters gets some random civs and map and then each have 3 hours to make an AI to fight eachother. This felt like a great oppotunity to make something silly so I made an all in tower rushing AI with very bad manners which does alot of trashtalk of "Fireball", the scripter I was competing against. The vod for the event where the ais were made which was live streamed can be found here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1803934861 ... &sort=time

Only tested with celts on open land maps which was the settings for the event.

Also available here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4255 . This version is the same but I realised you could not access 105 without having an account so I uploaded it here as well. 105 is not going to recieve updates as it feels appropriate to keep it as it is.
Normal version
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