Jester (V 2.3) & Forthwind (V 2.1)

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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 1.9)

Post by screamingkoos »

Hey guys!

Unfortunately, there were a few bugs and missing bits from this morning's update (version 1.9 and version [T]). I have since RE-UPLOADED these versions with even better versions that have the included update and readme files.

Please redownload these versions to get the full potential of your friendly neighbourhood Forthwind! ;) They are the "reupload" versions.

Thanks for letting me know about the missing updates.txt and readme files to all who did. In return I added even more features to both of these versions of Forthwind for your undying loyalty to the cause :lol:

Thanks everyone!
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 1.9) - reupload

Post by halcyon88 »

A.K.A. TOAO_Philosopher (formely TOAO_ReLeNtLeSsS, TOAO_Leo, TOAO_Ayubu_, TOAO_FSpirit, _TOAO_HussY_ and TOAO__HussaR_ (even before that, Deadly_Hussar— and DEADLY POISON on AOKH back when I was REALLY young)).
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 1.9) - reupload

Post by halcyon88 »

DLed both! :D
A.K.A. TOAO_Philosopher (formely TOAO_ReLeNtLeSsS, TOAO_Leo, TOAO_Ayubu_, TOAO_FSpirit, _TOAO_HussY_ and TOAO__HussaR_ (even before that, Deadly_Hussar— and DEADLY POISON on AOKH back when I was REALLY young)).
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 1.91)

Post by screamingkoos »

2 New versions of Forthwind have been released. Version 1.91 for classic Forthwind, and Version 1.2 for tournament (competitive) Forthwind!

Thanks everyone! :)
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 1.91)

Post by halcyon88 »

My pleasure. I love both versions.
A.K.A. TOAO_Philosopher (formely TOAO_ReLeNtLeSsS, TOAO_Leo, TOAO_Ayubu_, TOAO_FSpirit, _TOAO_HussY_ and TOAO__HussaR_ (even before that, Deadly_Hussar— and DEADLY POISON on AOKH back when I was REALLY young)).
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 2.0)

Post by screamingkoos »

;=========Version 2.00=========

Released: December 11, 2021

;=========Release #14 Notes=========


- Welcome everyone to Version 2.0!!! Almost 1 full year of updates for Forthwind (after a long break recently).
- Due to serious time constraints in my personal life, and generally my interest just being elsewhere now a days, this may be
my last update for Forthwind (or at least very delayed and minimal updates at this point). I loved making this all around versatile ai, it was so much fun.
But now that I am done college and working full-time I just don't have as much time for this hobby as I used to! As has been indicative of MONTHS of inactivity (sorry!)
- With this all being said, I have very slowly been adding features in the background, and instead of keeping it to myself on my computer, I thought I might as well release it.
- Thank you so much everyone for all of your support, I hope at least these ai's can actually be fun/useful to someone! Ta ta for now!
- ScreamingKoos

;=========This is it from me, the updates are all listed below here. Thank you all for helping me reach Forthwind 2.00 (Jester)!!! Please enjoy! :)

;NOTE: All updates apply to BOTH Jester and Forthwind, unless otherwise stated.

; Jester!? What is Jester?! I am so glad you asked ;)
- Jester is literally "Forthwind [T]" with the latest updates mentioned here. I was pretty over the basic name of "Forthwind [T]", so I gave it a name change!
Jester has the most recent updates applied and is meant to be the most up-to-date ai I have made. Forthwind is still good though! Just more random and slightly less competitive than Jester
especially in team games.

;=========NEW FEATURES:

- NEW FEUDAL STRATEGY: Full feudal skirmisher rush.
- Forthwind meso civs can now go longswords in castle-age (was only eagles before).
- Forthwind now has SURVIVAL rules! This means if he discovers he has no TC and cannot build one, he will follow specific
rules to ensure he can build a TC. This includes using special gathering rules (wood and/or stone) as well as building
special lumber camps and/or mining camps. This is NOT perfect, but gets the job done eventually in all testing scenarios.
These specific rules activate in any age/situation to ensure the wood/stone requirements are met to build at least 1 town center (also means Fencrazy map support).
- Forthwind now takes into account some civ bonuses now (such as khmer not requiring buildings, and
malay fast up times).
- New resign rules! They are more likely to trigger if Forthwind has no team members left alive (or none to start with) and is completely outnumbered!
Otherwise PLEASE REMEMBER THIS: taunt "150" if you are "spectating" as Forthwind, or taunt "151" as an enemy or ally (ensure you select the check mark in the taunt
menu so Forthwind will receive the signal, you must be an ally or enemy. NOT neutral).
- Likewise, if you want Forthwind to fight to the last villager, taunt 104 ("Don't resign!"), and 105 ("You can resign again.") if you want Forthwind to resign normally
when normal conditions are met. These rules have been improved since the last update.

- Fixed a serious bug that was preventing Forthwind from knowing when it had found its first enemy (thereby preventing it from drushing and flushing when it was supposed to be).
- Improved decision making rules when Forthwind decides to attack.
- Small changes to lumber-camp rules so starting LC is more likely to be built near a forest.
- Changed out many chats (not resign chats) to be less generic and more silly.
- Forthwind no longer prematurely retreats when an enemy begins building a castle.
- Build orders for buildings have been updated (still testing for different situations). In particular fast castle builds are more safe for Forthwind to use
in flank positions.
- Emergency attacking should no longer bug out in rare circumstances (constantly turned on and off).
- Implemented a fix that discourages food villagers from walking far across the map to gather shore fish.
- Once again, made some changes to slinging rules. Forthwind now automatically slings extra resources when in the imperial-age
and has alot of extra resources.
- Fixed rules that detect when Forthwind has an ally in a game or not. They are now more reliable (were very questionable before).
- Forthwind's in pocket positions no longer build excessive defensive buildings, they focus mainly on their main strategy unless under serious imminent danger. This includes
not training defensive units anymore unless absolutely needed.
- Updated old siege rules (specifically trebuchets and battering rams) to encourage building when a military advantage is acquired rather than a preset number of soldiers meaning
that siege training is more dynamic.
- When playing as Cumans, Forthwind holds off of building feudal-age battering rams until there is at least a small military advantage.
- Fixed an issue preventing blacksmith construction in the castle-age.
- Improvements have been made to encourage continuous villager production in all ages.

- Forgot to mention in earlier versions (1.8 or 1.9) that I have started using the (up-jump-rule) command when possible throughout the code. This
in turn has brought noticeable game performance improvements, by not executing performance hungry rules when not needed. I think the issue all along was
the constant checking of specific micro rules that can have a hard impact on pc's (especially mid to low range). I hope this makes Forthwind more playable
for people with lower spec PC's! :)
- Forthwind no longer sends debug chats when it isn't supposed to (i.e. "No enemy found? Scouting the flank.")
- Chatting 250 correctly displays the current version again.
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 2.0)

Post by lolasik43 »

Amazing ! Thank you :dance
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 2.0)

Post by venomus »

good job
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 2.0)

Post by venomus »


Is insane play against Jester. Too strong.
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Re: Forthwind.AI (Version 2.0)

Post by samoer »

Can u make a WK version?
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