FenCrazyThing 8 - 2nd place
Masters of AI 2 - 2nd place
Davis Cup III - 3rd place
Davis Cup II - 3rd place
fencrazything7 - 4th place
; Illuminati AI v1.1
; by Aleph
; changelog 1.0c -> 1.1
; - new supplementary/counter unit system - will no longer make too many different unit types
; - overhauled retreat from TC/castle for much better reliability and versatility
; - will now also save scout from enemy TC
; - will now pick smush strategy more often (FC maps)
; - will now mine or buy stone when needed to rebuild/relocate its TC
; - vastly improved monk micro
; - monk micro now also works vs multiple opponents
; - mangonel micro now also works vs multiple opponents
; - made deer lure and boar steal more precise
; - improved many other duc features using 1.5 commands
; - improved mill placement and timing
; - improved land nomad TC placement
; - improved first lumber camp placement
; - improved team game resign rule
; - added a few 1.5 SNs
; - added Subjugator, Maiar and Pharaon to the list of AIs it can co-op attack with
; - fixed some problems caused by obsolete code
; - fixed a critical bug that happened if the initial barracks construction was cancelled
; - fixed a rare bug that could stop vill production while trying to rebuild
; - fixed a bug that would sometimes build a farm before having a lumbercamp
; - fixed 2 bugs that caused boar steal to be aborted mistakenly
; - fixed a very rare bug that could prevent buildings from being placed
; - fixed a rare but critical bug that could prevent building the first lumber camp
; - many minor tweaks and fixes
; ==== SETTINGS ====
; Game Version: AoC UP 1.5
; Game Mode: Random Map
; Civ: Any
; Teams: Any
; Map: Any land map except Michi. Works best on open maps like Arabia.
; Map Size: Any (should correspond to number of players)
; Difficulty: Hard
; Resources: Standard (Low)
; Population: Any
; Reveal Map: Normal
; Starting Age: Standard
; Victory: Conquest
; Teams Together: On
; Lock Teams: On
; All Techs: Off
; ==== TAUNTS ====
; 120 - force monks-only strategy (only 1v1 and monk civ - AZT/BYZ/JAP/SAR/SPA/TEU)
; 123 - confirm illuminati
; 250 - chat current strategy (allies, self, AI enemy in 1v1)
; == NOTES ==
; UserPatch required, does not work with Age2:HD
; does not cheat
; cannot play water maps or michi-type maps
; not optimised for pre-walled maps (e.g. Arena) and chokepoint maps (e.g. Black Forest)
; designed to excel against other AIs in tournament settings
; will work well in mixed AI teams and against humans, but not a good teammate for humans